
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

stanford lagunita

Hello and welcome back to a new post and today I will be talking to you about something that we did in
term 2 and beginning to do now in term 3. Now I don't really know how to talk about this but i will be
talking to you about stanford lagunita or most people would call it stanford university.

So basically we go onto the stanford lagunita sign in then once we are signed in we have to watch a
called talking about maths,then we get asked questions about like what happened in the video and why
do you think kind of questions. After you have done that you have to watch another video called
reasoning i think they thought of talking about the brain and math and having ideas and then you have
get asked some more questions and then I think that there is about 7 videos and 7 questions.

the fist part of the course talks about the brain and we learnt about how important a growth mind set.

So that's all the time i have thank you for listening until next time. 

Friday, July 26, 2019

ethics blog

hello and welcome back to a new blog and today i will be talking to you about a doc that me,kade,william and nathel made and its was on should we give robots the rights to kill
our thurys were

No, because then they will start World War IIIThey might get addicted to it. The robots might not know who to kill and they start shooting people especially innocent people. We shouldn't because they can take over the world If they started to kill we wouldn't stand a chance because they are indestructible  Short circuitedWhen they kill people they might kill bad people but they might think that they need to kill more people If they kill they might kill more and people just for fun.and thank you for listening until next time.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PBL Driving question

hello and welcome back to a new term of blogs today I will be talking to you about our driving question
so for today we had to make a copy of a writing sample called the bush so at the moment we are
also looking at some of the worlds biggest problems. Like yesterday we had to get into a group of 4 or
3 then we had to think of the 5 most biggest problems in the world like discrimnation, polucion,and many
more then today we also had a look at a person robot well that's what I call her or him robots can be

now I will talk about the difference between robots and humans

1.they know more than humans
2. they aren't lazy
3. people will pick them for jobs because they don't need money

thank you for listing until next time.

Friday, July 5, 2019


About 2 days ago we went live for a day and there were 4 different topics 1 podcast 2 talks 3 poetry
slam and 4 drama we could also do it on the 4 types of discrimnaion racism,sexism,ableism and
religious discrimnation me Ezra and Ruben did a podcast on racism and showcasing our speeches
it was good because we all had racism as our speeches our main focus was to speak up against
thank you for listening until next term.