
Thursday, August 29, 2019

stop wait novel time

                               Stop wait novel time 

hello and welcome back to another post today i will be talking to you about our novels so we


book tasting so book tasting is when you read a book and feel the book and you taste it,

but not literally taste It but you got options on what you favorite book was and I picked slide



in was all about a boy who wanted to be a rally car driver but I won't get into too much detail you'll

have to read the book and find out, well that's If you like reading so anyway thank you for listening


you enjoyed reading this post leave a comment on your feedback I love hearing your guys and


feedback well until next, oh before you go here's a pic of slide the corner.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Narrative plot

hello and welcome back to another blog post and today I will be talking to you about what we

have been doing in week 5. So what we have been doing is we did something

 called a narrative plot, so a narrative plot is like, well, I can't really tell you what a 

narrative plot is but, but I can tell you what it's about. So it's plan for the future and we

 had to make a plan and our plan had to have something to do with fighting and robots 

but you could just make it up like a achon anyway thank you for listening and I'll see you all

next time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

hobbies and pastimes

                                                             hobbies and pastimes

hello and welcome back to another post today i will be doing something that does not involve school work because its a free choice. 
So for my free choice I will be doing my hobbies and pastimes, 
now if you don't know what hobbies and pastimes is it's basically what you do in your spare time, 
like if you want to go golfing or fishing you can do that in you hobbies and pastimes, so anyway, the question is what do I do in my hobbies and pastimes so in my spare time or in my hobbies and pastimes. So now I will name all the things that I like to do.

  • rugby
  • the crew 2
  • watching anime
  • youtube
  • nba 2k
  • need for speed
  • playing with my brother
 and fifa 19  so thank you for listening comment down below what your favourite hobbies are anyway until next time.                          

Monday, August 5, 2019

emotional robots

hello and welcome to a new post today i will be talking to you about what we have been doing in
reading we have been talking about emotional robots and why they should have rights the story talks
about their emotions and why they are a big deal people think that we need robots in our world
because us as humans are getting lazier and lazier and they are making them much smarter like
they know more than humans but you don't know like robots could be teachers but they would
know as much as teacher because what if you get hurt the robots probably won't
know how to handle it. So that's what we have been learning in my reading group thank you for
listening until next time.